Wednesday, December 31, 2008

MeRrY cHrIsTmAs 2oo8

We had a wonderful Christmas...Maddie had a great time opening her presents and loved helping everyone else open theirs!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

dEcEmBeR 2oo8

First snow of the season...Maddie loved it. Little does she know that there is a lot more where that came from.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

sAnTa ClAuS iS cOmInG...

Maddie and I got to spend the Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony at The Henry Ford Museum with Mia this week. I wasn't sure how she would react to seeing Santa this turns out that she wanted "Santa's lap now!" After a 45 minute wait she sat on his lap with no problem. Afterward, she couldn't stop smiling and skipped all the way to the car!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


The year is flying by! Madeline has been such a joy! She really teaches us to slow down and enjoy life...I am still learning not to get too stressed out!! Maddie had her 2nd birthday in October and enjoyed the Halloween themed party with her cousins. Throughout the year we have been pretty active: Greenfield Village, The Henry Ford Museum, the Detroit Zoo, Domino Farms, Missouri for Aunt Amy's wedding, NYC, moving Aunt Emily into her college dorm, Detroit Science Center, Chelsea Teddy Bear Factory with Biempa, etc, etc.

We also are proud of my brother, Jeremy. He recently enlisted in the Navy. Maddie adores her Uncle Jeremy (he has watched her for 2 days during the week since she was one and half months old!) and will be sad to not spend as much time with him but we are planning many visits!!!

Thanksgiving and Christmas are quickly approaching and we are starting to get the house ready (if it were just up to me, the tree would already be up!). Madeline will be visiting Santa at The Henry Ford Museum for the tree lighting ceremony with me and Mia (my mom). Maddie LOVES "Ho Ho."

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

FaLl 2oo8

Sunday, September 28, 2008

fAlL hAs ArRiVeD

Enjoying Erwin's Apple Orchard (gotta love cinnamon donuts) and riding the "choo choo" at Plymouth's Fall Festival

Sunday, August 10, 2008

NeW yOrK, nEw YoRk

We went to NYC this year for our 3rd anniversary. We saw a Yankees game, the Empire State Bldg and Central Park. We had a great time, it was just a bit warm (hence the sweat pouring off our faces).

bEsT bUdS

Maddie and Abby are inseparable...

DeTrOiT zOo

We had a blast at the zoo! Maddie loved the Arctic Circle and the zoo store, of course!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

HaNgInG oUt In MoNrOe CiTy

Madeline liked to go for walks around town and showing off her mad skills with her new friend Ryan.

wEdDiNg In MoNrOe CiTy

Aunt Amy looked
beautiful! Maddie had a ball and even made it down the aisle!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

DeTrOiT iN jUlY

Maddie is enjoying the summer weather... Every other word out of her mouth is "OUTSIDE!" while banging on the door.

Monday, July 7, 2008

sUmMeR 2008

ET shoes (they were mine as a kid), baseball and playscapes... what more could you want for summer?!

hApPy 4th Of JuLy

God Bless America!!
Maddie @ Greenfield Village's Salute to America

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

PlAyInG iN tHe PaRk

Maddie loves the playground! She loves the slides the best... even when I am trying to take her picture and miss catching her-oops!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

rOcKiNg OuT

Big fan of 80's music...Talking Heads rock!

HaPpY eAsTeR!!

Happy Easter! Madeline is not yet adept at sharing.

Monday, February 25, 2008

gEnErAl ToMfOoLeRy

Standing on things that aren't meant for standing on. Getting ready to hang at the mall, as usual. Yes, our 16-month old owns fur-lined Crocs. Finishing her calculus homework on the refrigerator. And if you want to eat around here, you better learn to use a spoon. A week in the life of Maddie Moo.