Monday, February 25, 2008

gEnErAl ToMfOoLeRy

Standing on things that aren't meant for standing on. Getting ready to hang at the mall, as usual. Yes, our 16-month old owns fur-lined Crocs. Finishing her calculus homework on the refrigerator. And if you want to eat around here, you better learn to use a spoon. A week in the life of Maddie Moo.

In ThE yEaR 2010...AnD bEyOnD

Don't ask...

SnOw DaYs

Abby likes the snow, Maddie, not so much.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

BaBy MaDdIe Is GrOwInG uP!!

Here are some pics from over the past 15 months. She figured out how to "work" the camera at a very young age.