Tuesday, July 29, 2008

HaNgInG oUt In MoNrOe CiTy

Madeline liked to go for walks around town and showing off her mad skills with her new friend Ryan.

wEdDiNg In MoNrOe CiTy

Aunt Amy looked
beautiful! Maddie had a ball and even made it down the aisle!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

DeTrOiT iN jUlY

Maddie is enjoying the summer weather... Every other word out of her mouth is "OUTSIDE!" while banging on the door.

Monday, July 7, 2008

sUmMeR 2008

ET shoes (they were mine as a kid), baseball and playscapes... what more could you want for summer?!

hApPy 4th Of JuLy

God Bless America!!
Maddie @ Greenfield Village's Salute to America