Sunday, November 28, 2010

bIg SiS mAdDiE

We are happy to announce that come May, Maddie will be a big sister! She is going to be an amazing sister and "mommy's helper." She promised that she will be patient and is offering some interesting choices for baby names...Cushion, Broccoli, Bee Sue See Sue, Maddie and Pam. I don't think any of those will be on our short list of names.

GeArInG uP fOr SaNtA

Grandma, Maddie and I visited Santa and Mrs. Claus at The Henry Ford's Annual Tree Lighting. Maddie wrote a letter to Santa and mailed it (she just wrote her name...I guess Santa knows what Maddie wants). She had her picture taken with Santa and Mrs. Claus and enjoyed cider and a donut. Maddie loved watching the train displays (Biempa's favorite) and seeing the giant Christmas tree.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Up NoRtH

We decided to get away for a weekend and enjoy a Pure Michigan vacation. We stayed in Omena (near Traverse City) and visited all the local hot spots...Sleeping Bear Dunes, lighthouse, shoreline, quaint towns, coffee, donuts, fresh bread, etc, etc. We had a wonderful time and we are looking forward to another Pure Michigan adventure next year.


After a summer of soccer skills training we decided to make the leap to an actual team...if you're going to do it, do it right, right??? Maddie is having a blast and each game her skills and understanding of the game keep improving. She said her favorite part is "running." A girl after my own heart. Plays through October and will start again in the spring. We are so fortunate that Maddie did not get placed on a team with the criers and those that prefer to look at the grass instead of the ball. Her team is the Space Rangers...she immediately asked if Buzz Lightyear would be showing up.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

KiNdErGaRtEn ReAdInEsS

Today was Maddie's first day in the "big girl" room at preschool...she reminds me everyday that she will be in Kindergarten soon. Where did the time go?!?

FaLl 2o1o...aLrEaDy???

We decided to take advantage of the sunflowers at the Ford Headquarters...Maddie couldn't get enough.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

UnClE jErEmY & mAdDiE

This is the longest Maddie has gone without seeing Jeremy and is asking everyone when he is coming home. She is thinking "Saturday." I wish she were right.

SuMmEr TiMe...

Mackinac Island, Virginia Beach, soccer, dance recital, graduation parties, plays, etc, etc.

FuN wItH mY nEw CaMeRa...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

SiX mOnThs, AlReAdY...

The past 6 months have flown by and seems like so much has happened...cast on/cast off, dance recital, LA, Vegas, etc, etc. The most difficult thing, thus far, was seeing Jeremy off on his deployment. He left May 21st for who knows how long. We have been able to track him through google alerts, a family website for sailors and lots of digging online. He has seen the Rock of Gibraltar, Romania, Bulgaria and the Suez Canal. He is in the Persian Gulf and we are anxiously awaiting news and information. Maddie has reached her breaking point...she is definitely tired of hearing that he is on his boat. She has been a champ and has sent him letters, cards and pictures. I just cannot believe he has been in for an entire year, already.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

TaP aNd BaLlEt PiCs

Always looking to make a memory...well, mission accomplished. We will never forget that Maddie broke her arm in 2010- the beautiful light blue cast will make its' appearance in her dance photos.

hApPy EaStEr 2o1o

It was an absolutely gorgeous day for Easter this year. The Easter Bunny ate Maddie's carrot and cookie she left for him and he in turn left her a pretty awesome Easter Basket. Wind-up toys, a robot, movies, candy, Mad Libs, etc, etc.

5 wEeKs Of FuN

I was determined to make the next 5 weeks enjoyable for her...didn't need to try too hard. Maddie was her fun loving self from the beginning.